Tuesday, May 1, 2012

SourceMantra Offers Great Careers: Shridhar Dandu

Participates in NYIT Fair New Jersey, April 22, 2012: SourceMantra, an IT consulting firm, headquartered in New Jersey has participated in career fair at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). The fair, which was participated by plus 100 companies, was held at Old Westbury campus. A global, private institution of higher education, NYIT has 14,000 students on campuses in North America, China, the Middle East, and online. SourceMantra’s representatives were present at the venue to highlight the career opportunities that would be made available to students in the fields of BFSI, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, technology, telecom, utilities, transportation and aerospace. Students from various backgrounds received first hand information from the company. Participating in the fair, Mr. Shridhar Dandu, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, said, “SourceMantra’s participation in this career fair is yet another manifestation of the company's corporate policy of involvement in activities promoting direct contact with students. Our main focus was to create awareness among the student community about the company and its projects, with the expectation that they might one day be a part of the organization as employees. Many of the students were very enthusiastic about the career information they were getting. Several expressed a sincere interest in our business." SourceMantra currently has 100 consultants working for various clients. It has a target to reach to hire 200 consultants by 2015. Work at SourceMantra is an amazing combination of fun and competitiveness. It believes in the power of technology and so encourage the latest from the tech scene to be used – thus empowering its people to be the most productive and so that the end results are a product of smart work and smart application of technology.

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